Dr. Isaac Berzin, a rocket scientist at MIT, has come up with a plan to use algae to clean up coal-burning power-plant emissions. The smoke stacks will be lined with algae, and the algae sucks up 40% of the carbon dioxide. Bonus point: The algae can be harvested and processed first into biodiesel, and then into ethanol. It's been estimated that 15,000 miles of algae farm would provide nearly enough biodiesel to replace the nation's current diesel requirements. Stick that in you pipe and smoke it, fuckers.
It's guys like this that let me believe that we will survive as a race until that glorious day when benevolent machine minds take over the reigns of humanity.
(Until then, "Look, this war with Brazil isn't about freedom, its about algae, pure and simple. NO BLOOD FOR ALGAE")
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