You know why you scar?

It's the universe's way of reminding you that you haven't been as wise as you could've been.

And that maybe you'd better get your shit straight.

Because otherwise your life is going to suck.
*if anyone's got bandaids and neosporin in the augusta area, i'd appreciate you dropping by.
better check yo-self before you wreck yo-self.
guess you kinda already did.
You know, I can't believe I didn't think of that first.
What the hell. Don't die on your bike please. You're making me not want to get one.
Well Toni, what we had there was a typical 20-30 mph lowside, nothing too dangerous and more financially than physically painful. As for you wanting a bike of your own, the saying goes that there are two kinds of motorcyclists- those who've been down and those who are going to, so that's something for you to come to grips with before writing any checks.
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