27 October 2005

Demolition Derby

Demolition derbies are like NASCAR minus all that boring-ass racing shit. Just cut right to what we're all waiting for.

22 October 2005

There are only two kinds of riders...

Now I lay me down to sleep..
Originally uploaded by J-Syn.
Well it finally happened- dropped my bike. Nothing cool, I was turning around in a parking lot when the bike decided to take a nap on the asphalt, my wishes be damned. This would be a Burger King parking lot, at lunch time.

Upside- The bike wasn't on the ground more than thirty seconds before two guys helped me pick it up.

Downside- I dropped my bike in front of God, the world, and everybody.

I got off pretty light, my frame sliders took most of it, and the only part of the bike even scratched was the clutch cover. I'll replace it eventually.

I'm thinking of getting it framed.

19 October 2005

The American Dream

Originally uploaded by J-Syn.
I closed today, and I was handed the keys to my (!) new home.

Yup, I am now tens of thousands of dollars in the hole.

Next step- mail-order bride, then start cranking out the kids.

I am living the American Dream.

18 October 2005

Tornado-Proof Truck Helps Cinematographer Go After the Money Shot

I have, as has been previously mentioned, a motorcycle. Thus I have a working (hee hee) knowledge of 110+ mph winds.

I've also been out and about in 150+ mph winds. I say "150+" because anemometers tend to cut out at around 150 mph. This was during an ill-fated "rescue" attempt of one of my good buddies, so when I read this-

“The first was like being sandblasted by 70- to 80-mph winds. The last tornado was rain-wrapped. You couldn’t see the tornado. We just drove right into it,” recalls Casey. “The wind reading was 55 meters per second, so maybe 110 mph.”

One word comes to mind.


17 October 2005

It's getting cold out here.
So put on some more clothes.

Yeah it's dipping down into the fifties 'round these parts. If you combine that with the wind chill that's part and parcel with riding a motorcycle at freeway speeds then well, it starts getting a little nippy. And hey- I can hang, but it seems like there are some aerodynamic forces colluding to channel that ill wind into my junkular area.

I wouldn't be so worried about it but...
that's how they remove warts.

I am
Getting so cold
I'm going to freeze my balls off.

16 October 2005

Back In Black

Originally uploaded by J-Syn.
I've been sitting in my room a lot.

Which isn't a bad thing. I know a guy who's banked about thirty-grand these last two years; you save a lot of money doing nothing.

But it's time to get out there, so I've bought a motorcycle and a camera. I'm going to ride around and take pictures of things. Like this guy here.

Taken in Savannah. Blew right through the historic district, eastern seaboard and what have you, and took a picture of this turtle crossing sign. Catches the eye wouldn't you say?

Turtle Crossing. I know it says something about me, but I'm not sure what.

I'll get back to you when I figure it out.